The Business of Guided Tours

Season 2, Episode 13,   Jul 10, 2020, 04:19 PM

Episode image
July 2020: Lockdown UK has put a lot of companies under enormous pressure and some sectors are faring better than others. The arts and entertainment industry has been hit particularly hard and in order to survive this global crisis, are having to develop innovative ways to re-invent the way they work.   

One such business is Music Heritage London which specialises in hosting guided tours and events re-creating the swinging 60s, travelling round some of the most significant music spots of the Capital in a double-decker bus.

Now, in the absence of being able to hit the road physically, I chat with Music Heritage London’s Director Paul Endacott about how they are taking their 'Swinging 60s London' tours to an international audience for passenger to enjoy the experience virtually, from the comfort and safety of their own home.

This is the business of guided tours.

#guidedtours #artsandentertainment #London #music #business #interview