Quarantine Kitchen with Brennan Dates Day 35 ON SUPER YACHT LOCKDOWN - Cooking Dried Pasta

Season 1, Episode 118,   Jul 13, 2020, 06:00 PM

Super Yacht Social Distancing on an 8 week charter
Cooking dried pasta like a pro, buy a timer or use your phone but don't rely on a clock.

It's been a great ride everyone but this is the last Quarantine Kitchen episode.

This overall experience has been a lot of fun. A lot of work that didn't feel like work. I learned how to edit video. I found a way to help people learn how to cook, which is now one of my most favorite things. I learned how to say, "fuck it" and hit the post button even when I was nervous or anxious. Through these videos I connected with long lost friends, family, good friends and made new ones. I never thought when I started this that it would gain this kind of traction, amalgamate and grow into what it has.

Of the multitude of lessons that I'll take away from this project, the biggest one is not to worry about "perfection". Just put it out there and try to do better on the next one rather than waiting with anxiety and trepidation for "perfection". Not to get philosophical, but perfection doesn't exist anyway. Put yourself out there, observe, grow, learn, try as hard as possible and move on to the next video, job, project, dish and do/be better. Rather than sitting on your hands, too nervous to do what you want to do because it's not perfect or maybe no one will like it.

It's the same for any adventure, it's a cliché but you can't do anything without taking that very first step away from your comfort zone. That first step comes with a ton of anxiety and doubt, don't think that even the most adventurous people don't feel that, they just choose to ignore it and push though it regardless. No one is fearless otherwise they'd be dead from lack of caution.

Thank you all for watching Quarantine Kitchen through some very strange times we all went through isolated but together. Thank you for even liking what Paddy and I brought to the table. I feel that I've gotten a lot more from this than what went into it, which is because of all of you. Thank you for this experience.

For more on Brennan Dates please head over to his Facebook Page Olive Oil and Gasoline and Insta account @oliveoil&gasoline