Dr Pippa Grange - Fear Less: How to Win at Life Without Losing Yourself

Season 1, Episode 20,   Jul 22, 2020, 04:50 PM

Find your true voice, win on your own terms. Build the open mindset that pushed the England football team further than expected at the World Cup in 2018. They were helped by Dr Pippa Grange, the psychologist who wants us to rethink our fear and fulfil our potential as human beings...Hosted by Rachel Schofield.

Fear makes us anxious, or shameful, or turns us into perfectionists.
We aim for a status that’s never truly satisfying by pretending to be someone else. Sound familiar? Dr Pippa Grange deals with these problems at the highest level and shares her OMI with to Rachel Schofield about ways to tackle the demons that distract us from true success.
Go deeper in Pippa's OMI - get her book HERE