Your Mental Health with Karine Rayson of The Crew Coach: Sexual Assault

Season 1, Episode 129,   Jul 29, 2020, 04:00 AM

A very honest discussion with The Crew Coach, Sunday London Times and the Yacht Purser regarding sexual harassment and assault within our industry.

The reason why I have brought on Megan an editor at the Sunday London Times Magazine to join us in the discussion was largely due to the response she received to an article she released earlier this year, where a shore-based company responded saying it was sensationalism. I contacted a few people some of which are clients of mine, to determine whether their message had been distorted in any way. Tune in to find out what they had to say as well as to hear  Megan’s insights and perspective.

Crew are courageously speaking up now, it is our job to take care there of them. In this interview, we discuss the realities of the existing reporting procedures and what changes need to occur.

65% of crew say that they didn’t report the verbal or sexual assault they experience.

If you are in need of counselling for Mental Health Issues or would like some advice on where to turn, please do contact Karine Rayson on The Crew Coach website at