UNCENSORED with Marien of Yachts Mermaids: Speaking Up

Season 1, Episode 130,   Jul 28, 2020, 05:00 PM

When a person is victimized onboard more than likely, she/he finds it challenging to speak up and report the abuse. In this Uncensored episode, Agnes Lukacs Holistic Coach from Free and Joyful in Palma de Mallorca shares why that happens and teaches you a simple and effective technique that will help you or someone in need, shift the current state of being so a report can be made.

And as a bonus, she gives us insight on how she shifted from hating sex to having multiple orgasms. Tune in to get the details!

To learn the EFT Technique click here https://www.facebook.com/396758887620...

To get in touch with Agnes visit http://www.freeandjoyful.com and Follow FB https://www.facebook.com/Agnes-Lukacs...
and on IG @agneslukacs.coach

If you have something to say, a story to share or wisdom to pass on, email Marien at info@yachtsmermaids.com to be part of the UNCENSORED show.

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