Sounds In The Night | True Ghost Stories

Aug 15, 2020, 09:00 AM

What do you do when voices and visions haunt you night after night alone in your bedroom?

What do you do when voices and visions haunt you night after night alone in your bedroom? 

Here is a preview of the story.

“One evening I fell asleep on the couch, and in my dream, I woke up horrified by what I saw. I fell to the floor and scooted back as far as I could at the sight of these leaves individually marching off the picture, single file, down onto the couch, and then to the floor and into the hallway. I could hear them marching as I remember a menacing yet magical feeling as if they knew I was there. It scared the hell out of me, and after that, all I can remember is running past them as I bolted into my parents' room.”

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