Annabelle & Bella

Season 2, Episode 4,   Aug 17, 2020, 08:40 AM

Sara talks to Annabelle and Bella this week, two sex workers who run the @whores_handbags Instagram account.

Bella and Annabelle met in 2018 on a paid foursome and realised that they had a lot more in common than their jobs in the sex industry. As well as being full service sex workers, offering sessions ranging from The Girlfriend Experience to fetish and BDSM scenes, they are both academics, writers and proudly queer women, who share an interest in the way sex work intersects with these parts of their lives. This led to the creation of their Instagram account Whores' Handbags (@whores_handbags), where they document the everyday realities of selling sex, from being doubly penetrated on the heaviest day of your period to those smaller hurdles such as admin, thrush and making time for your cat. Having found the project therapeutic and relatable for sex workers, as well as insightful and educational to allies, Bella and Annabelle are working on transforming their platform into a website to host writing, zines and other types of content. Follow @whores_handbags for more to come!

🍌 Sara's bestselling book Sex Power Money is out now paperback / audiobook / ebook