Quarantine Comics: WildC.A.T.s

Episode 290,   Aug 22, 2020, 08:05 PM

WildC.A.T.s Annual #1 (2000)

We finally got around to messing with a WildC.A.T.s book on the show and its smack dab in the middle of their jabroni period where the original team died and angry cyborgs ran amok. In this (I guess) annual, Grifter’s brother Condition Red returns from the dead only to get returned to dust by Grifter himself. Its not all that exciting but thankfully we spend a considerable amount of time with Ladytron, the ornery cyborg who breaks off arms in arm-wrestling contests like Jeff Goldblum in THE FLY. Warblade is there to back here up in the subsequent bar fight but we don’t get to see it because its more important to dwell on dead/undead sibling brother relations.

Continue the conversation with Shawn and Jen on Twitter @angryheroshawn and @JenStansfield and email the show at worstcollectionever@gmail.com

WildC.A.T.s Annual #1 (2000)

We finally got around to messing with a WildC.A.T.s book on the show and its smack dab in the middle of their jabroni period where the original team died and angry cyborgs ran amok. In this (I guess) annual, Grifter’s brother Condition Red returns from the dead only to get returned to dust by Grifter himself. Its not all that exciting but thankfully we spend a considerable amount of time with Ladytron, the ornery cyborg who breaks off arms in arm-wrestling contests like Jeff Goldblum in THE FLY. Warblade is there to back here up in the subsequent bar fight but we don’t get to see it because its more important to dwell on dead/undead sibling brother relations.

Continue the conversation with Shawn and Jen on Twitter @angryheroshawn and @JenStansfield and email the show at worstcollectionever@gmail.com