CxO 4.0 | Building a Startup Culture in a Large Corporate

Aug 28, 2020, 07:06 AM

In this episode of CxO 4.0, Ken chats with CIO and former Maritime Captain Mike Sturrock on introducing a startup culture in a corporate.

They cover off the pitfalls when converting an in-house team to an incubator, the massive role of leadership throughout and how to distil goals into objectives whilst innovating.

We hope you enjoy the show.

1.10 - Yacht captain background
2.05 - how to create a startup culture - what are you trying to achieve?

4.00 - Converting an in-house team to an incubator
  • Needs a mix of SME and external expertise to avoid company think.

5.23 - How do you make the best team?
  • Leadership. Who’s setting the tone and pushing it forward

 7.14 - Where does the sponsorship come from? 

8.35 - Project Owners to Product Owners

10.04 - What are the attributes of a great Product Owner?

 11.19 - How culture dictates reporting lines, or lack thereof

12.37  - How D&G have succeeded here -professionalism, leadership and relationships

14.07 - How to distil goals into objectives while innovating

17.05 - Patience with failures and people not developing
18.21 - Setting the non-negotiables and principles

20.33 - The advantage and disadvantage of a startup within a corporate

22.46 - Running more than one startup at a time

24.51 - Handling the jealousy of new fancy and well-funded project

27.05 - How long do you give it before you call it a day?

29.14 - The learnings you get, even if you don’t get the outcome

31.14 - Taking an innovative idea and turning it into something operational

32.48 - Startup technologies switching the wider corporate tech approach

34.48 - Freedom within a framework

37.09 - Focus on DevOps early

38.43 - Leadership whether its a big corporate or startup