"Are You Choosing it or are You Defaulting into it?"

Season 8, Episode 92,   Sep 08, 2020, 09:00 AM

Season 8 launches with a great conversation with Majo Molfino.She is taking back the narrative that has been assigned to women for centuries. Her work centers around dismantling tendencies that hold women back from stepping into their power. According to her, these are the “good girl myths.” Her book titled “Break the Good Girl Myth.” helps women undo these tendencies,

Host and Producer
Saadia Khan
Written by
Sarah Doh, Saadia Khan
Edited by
Tom Whelan
Music by
Evan Ray Suzuki

Season 8 launches with a great conversation with Majo Molfino. Majo is taking back the narrative that has been assigned to women for centuries. Her work centers around dismantling tendencies that hold women back from stepping into their power. According to her, these are the “good girl myths.” Myths that societally condition women into acting “good” instead of achieving their most powerful selves. Now, she has released a book that helps women undo these tendencies, titled “Break the Good Girl Myth.” Her podcast, Heroine, continues this work by engaging in conversations with female visionaries. Host and Producer Saadia Khan Written by Sarah Doh, Saadia Khan Edited by Tom Whelan Music by Evan Ray Suzuki