Timothy L. O'Brien on the Methodology and Madness of Trump

Episode 33,   Jun 11, 2020, 03:34 AM

Journalist Timothy L. O'Brien separates the man from the myth surrounding Donald J. Trump, pulling back the curtain on his love/hate relationship with the media, his deep seeded narcissism, and his past failings shielded by his enormous privilege.

Few people have as deep and intimate an understanding of who Donald Trump is as a person as Bloomberg Opinion executive editor Timothy L. O'Brien. Not only has O'Brien written an entire biography of the man in his book "TrumpNation: "The Art of Being The Donald," he was even sued by Trump for libel for giving a true account of the scope of the president's financial worth. In due course, Timothy has actually become an astute observer of the Trump brand, peering beyond the fabricated persona to see what really lies beneath. Plus, Al and James discuss just what might happen if things don't go well for Trump in November.