The Case of the King Part 2
Season 2, Episode 2, Nov 14, 2020, 02:00 PM
Sift gets a new gig at the Hellton Hotel.
Season 2 Cast and Crew
Abigail Elfman as Barbara Babbitt, Alice Ashby, Officer Hooch
Nick Shaner as Ralph, The King, Muldoon and other various voices
Rasheeda Moore as Mayor Beatrice Mingo, Mrs. Velma Leakable, Stranthöpre, Officer Turner,
Kylene Edison as Doris, Charlie and other various voices
Elliott McDowell as Kelvin Mingo and other various voices
Kevin Patterson as Samwel Sift
Written and Produced by Kevin Patterson
Sound engineering and design by Adrian Parrish and Lost Frequency Audio Lab
Composer Scott McLaughlin
Intro Beats by SpaceBaby
Recorded by Justin Evans and Adrian Parrish
Abigail Elfman as Barbara Babbitt, Alice Ashby, Officer Hooch
Nick Shaner as Ralph, The King, Muldoon and other various voices
Rasheeda Moore as Mayor Beatrice Mingo, Mrs. Velma Leakable, Stranthöpre, Officer Turner,
Kylene Edison as Doris, Charlie and other various voices
Elliott McDowell as Kelvin Mingo and other various voices
Kevin Patterson as Samwel Sift
Written and Produced by Kevin Patterson
Sound engineering and design by Adrian Parrish and Lost Frequency Audio Lab
Composer Scott McLaughlin
Intro Beats by SpaceBaby
Recorded by Justin Evans and Adrian Parrish