New Singapore

Sep 19, 2020, 03:46 PM

Singapore skate park reimagine by Luis Antero.

"I live in the countryside, in the interior of Portugal, in an area we call Beira Serra, located between the mountains of Estrela and Açor. As a sound artist, I am used to working with hi-fi sounds, that is, where we can distinguish sounds very easily, unlike cities where the sound is presented to us as lo-fi, an amalgamation of sounds that even being part of city identities, make them acoustically unsustainable. 

"This sound piece, which I created from an original recording made in a skate park in Singapore, tries to mirror this reality and at the same time create a reflection on the acoustic ecology and on the role of sound in the life of the city and its inhabitants.

"Can we have less acoustic fatalism in our cities? What sounds do we want to hear? Is it possible to have acoustically ecological cities? How does sound influence our behaviours? These and other issues, being increasingly on the agenda, deserve serious and careful reflection. This sound piece, not being an answer, proposes an aesthetic, a contribution."