Out Now Horror Special 2020: Diversity In Horror

Oct 02, 2020, 01:00 PM

October has arrived, and the horror specials return to Out Now with Aaron and Abe. For this first 2020 special, the focus is on diversity in horror. JoBlo's Jimmy O, Flicks For Fans' Jason Coleman, and The Brandon Peters Show's Brandon Peters join Aaron and Abe to discuss what it means to see the horror genre embrace evolution in the people in front of and behind the camera. Following some individual thoughts on what it means for horror cinema to be embracing this aspect, the group goes through a number of movie selections from each member of the panel, further highlighting the topic. This list of films is also in the show notes so that any listener can catch up with plenty of great options falling under this banner. So now, if you've got an hour or so to kill…

#Horror #Podcast #Diversity #Film #Movies #Entertainment #October2020 #OutNowWithAaronAndAbe #OutNowPodcast #ScaryMovies #BlackCinema #GeorgeARomero #JordanPeele #RustyCundiff #TalesFromTheHood #DawnOfTheDead #ParanormalActivity #FreddysRevenge #TheWalkingDead