Comedy in the Age of Wokeness

Season 8, Episode 96,   Oct 06, 2020, 09:00 AM

Shafi Hossain is a Bangladesh-born comedian who moved to the United States for college. Now, he calls New York City his home. He’s been navigating the comedy scene for years, with features on festivals like World Series of Comedy and 208 Comedy Fest. His humor and comedic style address cultural dichotomies through personal anecdotes.

Produced & Hosted: Saadia Khan; Written: Sarah Doh, Saadia Khan; Editing: Tom Whelan; Music: Evan Ray Suzuki

Shafi Hossain is a Bangladesh-born comedian who moved to the United States for college. Now, he calls New York City his home. He’s been navigating the comedy scene for years, with features on festivals like World Series of Comedy and 208 Comedy Fest. His humor and comedic style address cultural dichotomies through personal anecdotes. Produced & Hosted by: Saadia Khan; Written: Sarah Doh, Saadia Khan; Editing: Tom Whelan; Music: Evan Ray Suzuki