Waking the Red Weekly - Devang Desai

Season 3, Episode 14,   Oct 06, 2020, 05:36 PM

With breaking news that Arsenal misfit Mesut Ozil is now paying the wages of club mascot Gunnersaurus, the Waking The Red look back on another great week of football for TFC.

The Score’s Devang Desai lends his views to the ongoing Michael Bradley debate: is the TFC midfield a more coherent unit without him? And how can Greg Vanney fit Oso, Delgado and Liam Fraser into a winning system in the middle?

The gang also discuss Ayo versus Altidore at the top of the park - and with Akinola still, to choose between Canada and the US at national level, would the inform striker get minutes right away under John Herdman?

In defence, why was Justin Morrow crying on the bench after being withdrawn early on in the Philadelphia game? And after a standout performance and a first assist for the club, can Liverpool loanee Tony Gallacher make the left-back position his own?