George Dyson - The Entangled Destinies of Nature, Humans and Machines

Season 1, Episode 53,   Oct 06, 2020, 09:04 PM

George Dyson, the world-renowned author of several science histories such as Turing's Cathedral, was born into science royalty: His father Freeman Dyson was a hugely influential theoretical physicist who, among many projects and concepts that take his name, helped to make space travel possible, whilst his mother Verena Huber-Dyson was a brilliant mathematician in her own right, well-known for her work on group theory and formal logic. This amazing new work is a truly original, memorable and insightful look at human beings, technology and nature, challenging the notion that computing is the dominant power on planet earth.

In this episode Richard Kilgarriff meets George Dyson, the science historian who presents human evolution and technology in the context of the natural world.
In his latest book, ANALOGIA, The Entangled Destinies of Nature, Human Beings and Machines, George challenges the assumption that digital technology, made by human code, is naturally superior and separate to analogue design, and that the machines we imagine as our own today, may not be the machines that nature intends for tomorrow…