Lance Armstrong – 7 Time Tour de France Winner – Founder of the Livestrong Foundation – Titles stripped for Massive Doping Scandal – 100 million dollar Federal Law Suit

Apr 10, 2019, 09:00 AM


What does it feel like going to from one of the most loved sports celebrity’s in the world to the most hated? Few people on the planet know that feeling and the Team Never Quit Podcast has got one of them on the show. Navy SEALs, Marcus Luttrell, David Rutherford and #TheWizard welcome Lance Armstrong to this week’s epic show. Join the team as Lance tells his insane #NeverQuitStories which will leave you shaking your head in amazement and disbelief. Lance possesses a one of a kind perspective on winning, losing, fame, shame, love, and hate. Stand by to learn some profound lessons about dealing with perseverance, obsession, humility, regret, friendships, second chances, and moving forward. Try for a moment to imagine winning one of the most difficult sporting events ever created in the Tour de France. Now try and contemplate winning it 7 times in a row after overcoming testicular, lung and brain cancer. Lance Armstrong was able to accomplish this amazing feat. Because of his remarkable accomplishment, he was able to start one the largest non-profits of its day, the Livestrong Foundation which helped millions of people around the world in their fight against cancer. And at the height of his fame, fortune and following it was discovered that he and many members of the US Postal Service Team had been cheating the entire time with an elaborate doping program. Ultimately Lance was stripped of all his titles, disgraced around the world, lost his fortune, and is now actively engaged in a 100 million dollar lawsuit against the federal government. His insane ride from the top to the bottom and now his slow climb up will leave you thinking about second chances in ways you’ve never thought about them before. The TNQ Podcast has once again delivered on their promise to help their listeners develop the #NeverQuit mindset. Marcus, Rut, The Wizard, and Lance give perspective unlike any other podcast out there. After hearing this epic show if you should feel compelled to share your greatest never quit story please head to the ‘Share Your Story’ section on the website and submit your story. We are building an epic catalog of positive content to help our teammates battle their greatest challenges and to overcome their greatest obstacles. Support the show.