"Just Getting Started" w/ Dr. Kanika Tomalin "A vision for Vision 2050" 10-24-20

Episode 4067,   Oct 26, 2020, 01:40 PM

Dr. Tomalin welcomes Derek Kilborn, the city's Manager of Urban Planning and Historic Preservation. Kilborn was one of the key architects of Vision 2020, the city's long-range planning program. Now the city is looking ahead to the next 30 years. StPete2050 is a city-wide discussion and collaboration to explore what St. Petersburg might look like 30 years from now. They agree that thoughtful city planning, which in our case dates back to the early 20th century, has been a major contributor to the uniqueness of St. Petersburg over the decades. To obtain valuable community input, Kilborn's department has sent staffers out into the community itself - rather than ask citizens to come downtown for official meetings - and has conducted workshops and online surveys.