A Life of Honesty: Being South Asian and Gay

Season 8, Episode 99,   Oct 27, 2020, 09:00 AM

Vaibhav is a dental surgeon and public health researcher who grew up in  Delhi, India. He currently works as an independent consultant on global health issues & language access for Asian American minorities, primarily working with U.S. Census Bureau and nonpartisan organizations that mobilize Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) electoral and civic participation. Vaibhav is an openly gay and a vocal advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and visibility within the South Asian and larger AAPI community.

Today, we are sharing a conversation with Vaibhav Jain. Vaibhav is a dental surgeon and public health researcher who grew up in  Delhi, India. He currently works as an independent consultant on global health issues & language access for Asian American minorities, primarily consulting with U.S. Census Bureau and several national, nonpartisan organizations that mobilize Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) electoral and civic participation.  Vaibhav is an openly gay and a vocal advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and visibility within the South Asian and larger AAPI community. He is also the Chair of Technology for South Asians for Biden. He is currently leading all AAPI events for the Biden campaign.