With Helen Tupper co-author and co-founder of the Squiggly Careers movement

Mar 24, 2020, 05:30 AM


To provide a brief interlude from what’s going on in the world right now and look to a brighter future, today’s podcast is an interview with Helen Tupper, co-author and co-founder of the Squiggly Careers movement.

Helen talks about having belief in yourself and other people believing in you too, building support systems and a mindset for success.

To provide a brief interlude from what’s going on in the world right now and look to a brighter future, today’s podcast is an interview with Helen Tupper, co-author and co-founder of the Squiggly Careers movement.

If there’s something positive to cling onto today, it has to be that when we come out the other side of this situation, the world of work will not just go back to the way it was, and employers will be rebuilding and re-thinking everything with the help of their employees.

I am hearing over and over again how this experience is causing people to question how we live our lives and spend our time. Squiggly Careers is all about guiding you through that questioning process and coming up with constructive challenges, accepting that careers these days, are very rarely a linear progression from A to B.

Helen talks about having belief in yourself and other people believing in you too, building support systems and a mindset for success.

It’s droplet of normality, calm and practical help in an ocean of madness right now.