George Zarkadakis - Re-Inventing Democracy in the Age of Intelligent Machines

Season 1, Episode 63,   Nov 05, 2020, 01:29 PM

Around the world, liberal democracies are in crisis. Citizens are losing faith in their government; right-wing nationalist movements frame the political debate. At the same time, economic inequality is increasing dramatically; digital technologies have created a new class of super-rich entrepreneurs. Automation threatens to transform the free economy into a zero-sum game in which capital wins and labour loses. But is this digital dystopia inevitable? Is their light at the end of the current tunnel?

Richard Kilgarriff shares OMI with George Zarkadakis.
George works at the intersection of arts, science and technology to imagine new organisations and governments in the upcoming Fourth Industrial Age.
His new book CYBER REPUBLIC, RE-INVENTING DEMOCRACY IN THE AGE OF INTELLIGENT MACHINES is a playbook for anyone who has lost some faith in the current system, but who sees new technology as an opportunity to change the status quo.