How do you know a natural supplement is good for you?

Season 1, Episode 102,   Nov 07, 2020, 11:45 PM

Welcome to the Every Day Health Hacker Podcast
I’m your host, Mike Herzing.

Follow us on IG at

I’m your host, Mike Herzing (from Let's Talk Wheels)

Every Day Health Hacker is the brainchild of Dr Leal. 

Dr Leal is board Certified in family medicine and is the Chief Medical Officer of Meridian Medical -Dental and the Meridian Health Institute.

Dr Leal is an author, international speaker, researcher and talk show host. 

Dr Leal promotes self-care and shows people how to take charge of their health and become their own EDHH. 
She often shares what works for her and the science behind her suggestions. 
Every week here on the Every Day Health Hacker Podcast we are going to answer the questions that you, our listeners have emailed to and like you, I’m ready to take control of My OWN health. 
It’s a journey folks, but luckily we have someone like Dr Leal to guide us on this journey to better health. 
Allright folks, lets get started on this journey! 
Its my pleasure to introduce Dr Liza Leal. 
Doc, it seems like every time we turn around, we’re being bombarded by infomercials, emails, social media, and so-called friends that promise a quick answer to all of our problems. Of course, it involves a lot of money. 

Doc, you call your approach to better health “Find Your Fit.” Can you tell us how this works? 
Let's Talk about Learning Lab and @MCM Nutrition and how that relates
discussion of and learning lab powered by www.meridianmedicaldentalhealthcare follow them at IG



Every Day Health Hacker is the brainchild of Dr. Liza Leal. 
Dr. Leal is Board Certified in family medicine and is the Chief Medical Officer of Meridian Medical -Dental and the Meridian Health Institute.  
Dr. Leal promotes self-care and shows people how to take charge of their health, something we all need. 
It’s my pleasure to introduce Dr. Liza Leal. 

Doc, folks like me, have been looking to take control of their health for years, and I want you to explain again this week about the Learning Lab and 
Gene writes: Being a baby boomer has sure been a ride. For the last two years, I have lived with chronic pain and find myself struggling to get off of opioids. It started with knee pain, and then if it’s not one thing, it’s another. I can’t seem to get away from them. I was (still try to be) an active male; however, joint pain has impacted my lifestyle. How can I wean myself off of pain meds and better health?  
Discuss Learning Lab and MCM Nutrition and how that relates. Also 
Discuss opioid crisis in America. Addiction vs.Physiologic Dependence
Leanne writes: I’m forty-five years old and feel like I am sixty. My problem is that I can’t seem to get away from the dinner table. My job makes dieting harder because I have to entertain clients at dinner at least once a week. I find myself stress eating, and it all becomes a vicious cycle. I need to lose at least twenty fivepounds. How can I get started? 

Emma writes: I am forty-four years old and the youngest of four children. Cancer seems to run in my family. My mother passed from Cancer, my oldest sister passed from it, and both my brothers had a brush with it. I have been Cancer free (so far), and I am athletic and relatively healthy. You talked last week about boosting your immune system. Would that help improve my odds? If so, how do I get started with this? 

Craig writes: I am a 38-year-old male in good health. With the pandemic, I have been washing my hands A LOT! I heard in the past that it isn’t always good to wash your hands all the time. Is that still true? Is there a time when I need to be especially careful? 
Thanks for the help!

Join us at the  website and learning lab. 
Ok, folks, we are out of time. I want to thank Dr. Leal for taking the time today to help us on the path to better health. 
Remember, folks, if you have a comment or question for Dr. Leal, send them to  
The good doctor will be happy to answer all of your questions, even if we don’t use them on the podcast. 
On behalf of Dr. Liza Leal, the great staff at the Meridian Medical Institute, our producer Jack McCraw and myself, I’d like to thank you for listening to the Every Day Health Hacker Podcast. We hope you will subscribe.
Look for us on social media and our website
I’m Mike Herzing.