Spotlight On British Blind Sport's Young Leaders Conference.

Season 1, Episode 587,   Nov 09, 2020, 10:00 AM

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British Blind Sport is a UK charity which works to encourage blind and partially sighted people, of all ages, to try new sporting and leisure activities.

They also work with the sporting sector, including governing bodies, to make facilities and support more accessible for anyone with a visual impairment.

One of their latest projects, See My Voice, was charged with helping to create young leaders who could get more involved in volunteering and improve their employment chances, mainly in sporting vocations.

This also involved showing employers that blind and partially sighted people are more than their sight loss and can make valued and hard working employees.

RNIB Connect Radio's Allan Russell spoke to Tommy, from BBS, and Alex, who took part in the project, to learn more about the event and what young people can get from participating in the project.

Image: BBS Logo