#Editing for the Best Version of Your Vision with Tiffany Yates Martin

Episode 240,   Dec 04, 2020, 05:01 AM

Who wouldn’t want a step-by-step process for revision? In her book Intuitive Editing, this week’s guest, developmental editor Tiffany Yates Martin, lays out an approach that will help keep you organized, although sadly there is no magic wand involved. We talked to her about the big picture questions she asks before diving into someone else’s work: 

Is the main story question clear?

Do the characters drive the story?

Do we/the characters end up somewhere different than where we began?

Where does the momentum flag (because it will, somewhere) and why?

Then we deep dive into questions of finding objectivity in your own work, micro-suspense, suspense vs. tension, writing manuals and—most important of all—how important it is to know that all first drafts are terrible and revision is part of the work. 

A few links from the pod

If You Want to Write by Brenda Ueland

How to Grow a Novel by Sol Stein

Stein on Writing by Sol Stein


Tiffany: Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid

Dear Edward by Ann Napolitano

The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett

KJ: Ties that Tether by Jane Igharo

Sarina: Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

Sarina and KJ have news!

The Chicken Sisters is out! Signed copies here, Bookshop.org here, Amazon here—and if you order from your local indie and fill out this form, I’ll mail you a signed bookplate.

Sarina's novel Bittersweet, the first in her USA Today bestselling series, is currently free at all vendors. Farmers make the Earth move. Amazon: https://geni.us/FreeBittersweet

Book-gift shopping? Grab KJ’s 12 Days of Books to Give (and Get) list here for everything you need for your Austen-loving brother, your thriller-hound mom and the friend who craves a cozy escape.

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And have you checked out our sponsors? If listening to Tiffany makes you think, that is my total dream job, you need to head to bookcoaches.com/amwriting to learn more about the side gig that could supply much-needed consistency to your writing income or become your full-time passion.

And have you tried Dabble writing software yet? If you’ve been thinking about testing out a tool to go beyond the ordinary word processor and make your work easier, this is the one we recommend. We invited Dabble to sponsor the podcast because, in short, it’s awesome. It’s easy to use, it works offline and on, it’s always synced up and always available on all the platforms and it makes finding your way around in your manuscript easy and even fun—and it’s designed to minimize distractions and keep you going. Find out more, and do a free trial, at dabblewriter.com