Episode 4: General Sir Barney White-Spunner, Britain’s commanding officer in southern Iraq

Episode 4,   Dec 04, 2020, 07:00 AM

General Sir Barney White-Spunner is this month’s guest on our monthly podcast: General Talk. General White-Spunner talks freely to podcast host, Harry Bucknall, about his time as Britain’s commanding officer in southern Iraq; and the difficulties faced by the Army being engaged in two major operations, Iraq and Afghanistan, at the same time. 
General White-Spunner goes on to talk about his newly-released book, Berlin: The Story of a City. If you’d like to take part in your own codebreaking adventure this festive period, sign up to our family-friendly virtual event Operation Bletchley: Christmas in Berlin here: Operation Bletchley (soldierscharity.org)