Haunted Sigma Nu, 12.1.20 - Matt De Sarle and Free State Horror Stories

Dec 14, 2020, 04:08 AM

Ghosts are known to be active at Sigma Nu - as many who have resided there can attest. Twice, I visited. My necklace was inexplicably unfastened and fell off on both occasions.

In 2009, I was invited to join a Paranormal Ghost Hunting Team to investigate the reported haunting activities at the Sigma Nu house on the University of Kansas campus in Lawrence, Kansas.

Here's the introduction regarding the team investigation in the Lawrence Journal World. And the follow-up article with the presentation of the results.

Recently, Matt De Sarle asked if I would share what I remember about that investigation as part of his series featuring haunted locations in Kansas. Free State Horror Stories.

I am featured in the Haunted Stubbs Mansion/Virginia Ghost Story. YouTube Link.

In retrieving some of the images I took while we were there, I have two that are curious. One is an orb near the ceiling of one of the interior rooms. Another is a patch of something that appears to be fog in a picture taken from the outside roof.

The featured image on this page is one I played with because I liked the colors. I've included the orb and fog photos in a blog post.

In doing this series, Matt says he learned a lot about what goes on in a ghost hunting investigation. We also talk about what happened during our interview segment - not included in the video. He says - that was the last thing he expected to hear on that day.

At Sigma Nu - I had [and still have] a very clear impression of an older woman seated in a rocker on a porch. It is her space and she is quite content to stay there. We don't exist for her.

My strongest impressions from Sigma Nu did not include Virginia. The connection was with Stella who wanted it known that she was being scapegoated. The impression from her was that she enjoyed her life in that space and the gossip about her being a murderess - is unfounded.
From her vantage point, the truth behind the rumors will never see the light of day. Too much time has passed.

She would like to have the slate cleaned. But - as the gossip is so very juicy - Stella may have to settle knowing there are some who, rather than hearsay, prefer to rely on hard evidence for a conviction. And none has been found to exist.