#145 NephMadness: Hepatorenal Syndrome vs AKI

Mar 25, 2019, 07:00 AM

Does your sympathetic nervous system get activated when you notice acute kidney injury in patients with cirrhosis? Ever wonder how to really diagnose hepatorenal syndrome (HRS)? Think you have the bile-acid-stones to start diuretics on a patient requiring pressor support for kidney failure? You have come to the right place! Listen to @kidney_boy Joel Topf, HRS expert Juan Carlos Velez (@veleznephhepato), and self-proclaimed most-handsome-nephrologist Bill Whittier (@TWhittier_RUSH) tackle the complex pathophysiology and treatment of hepatorenal syndrome in this NephMadness 2019 special episode!

Full show notes available at https://thecurbsiders.com/episode-list. Join our mailing list and receive a PDF copy of our show notes every Monday. Rate us on iTunes, recommend a guest or topic and give feedback at thecurbsiders@gmail.com.


Written and produced by: Justin Berk MD, Nora Taranto MS4

Infographic by: Alex M @nephroguy

Hosts: Matthew Watto MD

Edited by: Matthew Watto MD, Emi Okamoto MD

Guests: Joel Topf MD, Juan Carlos Velez MD, Bill Whittier MD
