The Big Boo Cast, Episode 65

Sep 23, 2016, 01:37 AM

So Melanie and I were on the Skype a little earlier than normal for this particular episode, and before we started recording I was somewhat concerned because Melanie could not stop yawning (to be fair, she was completely un-caffeinated at the time). However, I have to say that she pulled through like a non-yawning champ, so KUDOS TO HER.

For the first 30-ish minutes it's podcast business as usual; we answer a few questions from y'all and talk about SEC Nation and why I love my hair dryer and how we don't want to wish the days away. And then, in the last half hour, Beth Moore joins us, and if that doesn't put a little pep in your podcasting step, then I don't know what will.

It was seriously one of our all-time favorite days - a total blast. We hope you get a kick out of it, too.