How to homeschool as a freelance parent

Season 3, Episode 7,   Mar 02, 2021, 10:15 AM

Freelance Corner is the podcast for the UK's freelance community. Hosts Faye and Jess quiz experts every fortnight, with the aim of answering a question sent in by our listeners. Is there a question you would like us to answer? Email to have your question answered.

In this episode, the editor of Working Dads James Millar joins Laura Livingstone, an executive coach who helps parents and teachers build emotional resilience and confidence during times of change and challenge. 

Now we near the end of homeschooling, the guests explain how things might change post-lockdown, now that more parents realise the pressures of working from home with homeschooling. They also answer questions sent in from listeners, including how to explain your freelance work to unsympathetic children.