Career Work for Persons with Disability is Universal
Season 1, Episode 5, Mar 05, 2021, 05:23 PM
Episode 5 finds me, Brian Hutchison APCDJ Editor and Global Career Guy, with Dr. Tina Anctil speaking about career development for people with disabilities. Tina shares specific counseling techniques, stories from the field, and her own model for working with this client population, specifically adults with an acquired disability. Tina and Brian are old friends and colleagues and this episode is like “being a fly on the wall” while they talk about the importance of this work and her expertise. Topics covered include:
- Terminology specific to vocational rehabilitation counseling and its companion fields.
- Tips for beginning career coaches and counselors.
- Dr. Anctil’s model for workforce development professionals to work with persons with disability.
- Specific assessment tools for working from a universal design perspective.
- Disclosing disability in the job search process.