NBC's Mike Tirico joins, Stone delivers, Flames & Darryl Sutter, RIP Walter Gretzky

Mar 09, 2021, 05:00 AM

NBC's Mike Tirico joins Daren Millard (2:30) to talk about how a dinner led to him calling NHL games, his preparation prior to calling his first NHL game, the thrill of working the Lake Tahoe games & being able to navigate the weather delay in Lake Tahoe on the fly. He discusses why he's always been a fan of hockey, the uniqueness of calling hockey games compared to other sports, his relationship with Eddie Olczyk, the prospect of NHL players participating in the Olympics and the pros and cons of a 3 person broadcast booth. He tells us his favorite NHL uniform, what his nickname is, and what he prefers to munch on during a late-night hockey game. After chatting with Mike, Daren talks about the Calgary Flames hiring Darryl Sutter, and what he thinks the key is for the Flames to turn it around. He also makes a pretty bold prediction when looking at the North Division (47:30). He ends the episode with some thoughts and a unique perspective on the passing of Walter Gretzky (54:40).