#54: Trauma Surgeon Kenji Inaba talks REBOA, becoming an LAPD officer, and RCTs
In Part 1/2, Trauma Surgeon Dr. Kenji Inaba from USC (The Keck School of Medicine) talks with us regarding his experience with REBOA (Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta), becoming an LAPD officer, and the overwhelming world of organizing RCTs (Randomized Controlled Trials).
Joined by return guest Trauma Surgeon Dr. Matthew Martin and new guest (but long time listener) Dr. Donald Moe who is currently in his PGY3 research year at Madigan Army Medicine Center.
Next week, in Part 2, we have an awesome Tips and Tricks segment on penetrating neck trauma with Dr. Inaba and Dr. Martin warming up for their debate at the Trauma, Critical Care, and Acute Care Surgery conference in Vegas, March 21-23. BTK will be there covering daily highlights and interviewing prominent surgeons!