#49: Academic Surgical Congress Day 2 featuring Dr. Justin Dimick and Dr. Dorry Segev

Feb 03, 2016, 10:07 PM


We are now in our second day of the Academic Surgical Congress and it has been going great thus far!  We start off with Dr. Dimick and Dr. Segev giving us a great rundown after cohosting the popular event "Failing Forward", which we hope to air in the near future.  In addition we are joined with well known surgeons Dr. Gene Moore, Dr. Michael Zinner, and Dr. Kevin Staveley-O'Carroll.  They all discuss the conference as well give medical tidbits to make all better surgeons.  Learn from the best!!

Don't miss Dr. Moore's advice on how to care for your mustache right after he tells us how to properly perform an ED thoracotomy!

Enjoy!! We'll have Day 3 for you tomorrow!