Managing Weight and Mindset ft. Geraint Thomas

Mar 16, 2021, 12:01 AM

In this bumper episode, Geraint Thomas, Professor Steve Peters and Dr Trent Stellingwerff chat to Charlie and James about weight management and how you can apply their expertise to achieve your goals.

First, you’ll hear from Steve Peters, the author of the self-help book ‘The Chimp Paradox’. Steve explains how to take back control of your mind and therefore body by using his mind management model, which is praised as a tool of success by high-profile athletes such as Geraint, Steven Gerrard and Victoria Pendleton.

Then Geraint Thomas explains how he fuelled for his Tour De France win in 2018 as well as discussing the physical and mental difficulties of managing weight as a competing athlete.

Lastly, renowned Sports Scientist, Dr Trent Stellingwerff shares his insights and expertise on a common yet damaging weight loss side effect known as ‘Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport’. It’s a hot topic in sport science right now that, if you take your training seriously, you need to be aware of.

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Produced by Astrid Productions for Science in Sport.