Mind The Gap: The problems inherent in 'catching-up'

Season 2, Episode 29,   Mar 19, 2021, 12:01 AM

When we look back at the last year of various lockdowns, it’s easy to see why the usual amount of course content hasn’t been taught. And, with the best will in the world - and heroic teacher efforts across the board - there’s no way that remote learning could be a substitute for being in a classroom. Of course, it follows then that some learning hasn’t been as effective amongst students as you’d normally expect. While it’s clear there’s no fault here, the impact is being acutely felt by our young people. They are expected to not only pick up where they left off but “catch-up” to where they should be. In the immortalised words of teens everywhere: isn’t that “so unfair”?

This week we’re looking at how best to deal with the issue of post-Covid catch-up.

Nathan McGurl, Founder of The Study Buddy is joined by Alex Fairlamb. Alex is an Assistant Headteacher and Teacher of History for a Secondary school in the North East of England. Alex regularly writes for a variety of publications and has designed learning resources for national distribution. Alex’s teaching interests and research are focused upon creative Teaching and Learning strategies and resources; including recently how best to motivate and manage student’s learning post-lockdown.

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