Terry Lovelace 2, 3.28.21 - Devils Den: The Reckoning? Contact Started in Childhood.

Mar 26, 2021, 04:45 PM

Full disclosure: Incident at Devils Den wasn't the first time Terry Lovelace had contact with non-human intelligence - NHI. Book 2 is the reveal of contact that began in childhood.

First book, when Terry Lovelace disclosed what happened to he and a friend in 1977 at Devils Den (Bio), he was advised by an editor to leave certain details about his own background out of that story.

Details? Turns out that info is a huge reveal requiring a second book to unpack.

We learn that UFO/Alien encounter at Devils Den wasn't the first time Terry had contact with alien beings. Nor would it be the last. It was however, the end of the friendship that had taken him to that location.

The follow-up and after effects for his friend Toby are disclosed in book 2, Devils Den: The Reckoning. Also revealed - Terry's childhood memories of encounters with 'Sue' and the 'monkeys'. As you might suspect, none of the so called monkeys are human and neither is 'Sue'.

Questions remain from the first book. The area Terry and Toby visited was restricted. Why? Was it a known location for suspicious activity? If known, by whom? No doubt there are better questions to ask.

Terry's first book triggered hundreds of responses from people who wanted to reach out and share their own account with him. Out of those, 30 are included in the book. Outstanding, they range from frightening, maddening, surprising, encouraging and inspiring.

In the words of Carl Sagan, "Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."

In yet another reveal, Terry's relationship with 'Sue' is apparently ongoing, with the admission of contact as recent as 2017.

Book 2 might simply be all that is known... for now...

Terry's next book is focused on NDEs, Consciousness and Bees.

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