Ep 130: Time for a check-in ✨ how have the first 3 months of 2021 been for YOU?

Apr 01, 2021, 05:00 AM

Hello lovely,

Well here we are, at the end of the first quarter of 2021 (already!).

It’s been 12 months now since the first lockdown here in the UK and we are very much looking forward to stepping into a new quarter and starting a new chapter in the year. 

As we step into spring, it has felt incredibly cathartic to hit pause and take a moment to sit back, take stock and reflect on how the last 3 months have been for us. 

Join us for this week’s episode, as we talk about our commitments, our happiest moments, our most challenging moments (and everything in between!).

Grab your Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021 journal if you have one or simply answer the questions as we go through them. And if you haven’t yet got your copy of the Goodbye, Hello journal then it’s not too late! You can grab your copy here.

As always, we find these quarterly reflections to be so nourishing and we hope you do too 😍

Join the love-in
We’d love to invite you to join us live next week on Tuesday 6th April at 6.30pm (BST) on Zoom for our quarterly Project Love love-in. They are gorgeous - a chance for us all to pause and reflect on these past 3 months and to set our intentions and commitments for the following quarter. Sign up here to join us.

We hope you enjoy the episode! 

So much love,

X Selina & Vicki