DCLXXVI. Slambi (Colum Tyrrell, Tim Butterly & Mike Rainey)

Apr 10, 2021, 04:00 AM

Colum Tyrrell, Tim Butterly and Mike Rainey join Zac Amico and discuss the story behind the guy who rented Colum for the weekend, Tim and Mike's new blowjob machines, the family suing after a dad dies during a taco eating contest, the deer that jumped through the windshield of a school bus, the 41-year old man who did a naked walk of shame to repent for cheating on his wife, the most memorable celebrity deaths, the Indian kids who killed themselves because of The Office, the worst TV show finales and so much more!

(Air Date: April 7th, 2021)

Reach out to the show at RealAssOfficial@gmail.com!

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You can watch Real Ass Podcast LIVE for FREE every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11am ET at GaSDigitalNetwork.com/LIVE

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Colum Tyrrell, Tim Butterly and Mike Rainey join Zac Amico and discuss the story behind the guy who rented Colum for the weekend, Tim and Mike's new blowjob machines, the family suing after a dad dies during a taco eating contest, the deer that jumped through the windshield of a school bus, the 41-year old man who did a naked walk of shame to repent for cheating on his wife, the most memorable celebrity deaths, the Indian kids who killed themselves because of The Office, the worst TV show finales and so much more!

(Air Date: April 7th, 2021)

Reach out to the show at RealAssOfficial@gmail.com!

Real Ass Podcast merchandise is available at https://podcastmerch.com/collections/real-ass-podcast

You can watch Real Ass Podcast LIVE for FREE every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11am ET at GaSDigitalNetwork.com/LIVE

Once you're there you can sign up at GaSDigitalNetwork.com with promo code: RAP for a 14-day FREE trial with access to every Real Ass Podcast show ever recorded! On top of that you'll also have the same access to ALL the shows that GaS Digital Network has to offer!

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Colum Tyrrell

Tim Butterly

Mike Rainey

Luis J. Gomez

Zac Amico

GaS Digital Network