Ep. 614 - Concrete Cowboy

Apr 13, 2021, 06:00 PM

The Slashfilmcast is launching a Patreon! Support us at  http://patreon.com/filmpodcast.

David laments the death of a premiere theater chain while Jeff contemplates his next move out of Los Angeles. For the feature review, the cast dives into Concrete Cowboy, the new Netflix film directed by Ricky Staub and starring Idris Elba. 

Use #slashtag on Twitter to recommend a title for us to watch. Thanks to Mike C for building the Hashtag Slashtag website: https://hashtagslashtag.com/

Thanks to our sponsors this week: PrettyLitter, StoryWorth, Quip, and Babbel.

Weekly Plugs
Devindra - Engadget Podcast: Michio Kaku on the God Equation
Jeff - The Dungeon Run episode 81 twitch.tv/thedungeonrun

Shownotes (All timestamps are approximate only)
What we've been watching (~33:09)
David - Man Push Cart,  This is a Robbery
Jeff - This is a Robbery, ShivaBaby
Devindra - Invincible, Outriders

Feature  (~1:23:20)
Concrete Cowboy

Support David's artistic endeavors at his Patreon. Listen and subscribe to David’s newest podcast Culturally Relevant and subscribe to his YouTube channel. Check out Jeff Cannata’s D&D show Dungeon Run and listen to We Have Concerns. Listen to Devindra's podcast with Engadget on all things tech.

You can always e-mail us at slashfilmcast(AT)gmail(DOT)com, or call and leave a voicemail at 781-583-1993. Also, follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook.

  • Our music sometimes comes from the work of Adam Warrock. You can download our theme song here. Our Slashfilmcourt music comes from SMHMUSIC.com. Our spoiler bumper comes from filmmaker Kyle Hillinger. This episode was edited by Beidi A. 
  • If you’d like advertise with us or sponsor us, please e-mail slashfilmcast@gmail.com.
  • Contact us at our voicemail number: 781-583-1993
  • You can donate and support the /Filmcast by going to slashfilm.com, clicking on the /Filmcast tab, and clicking on the sidebar “Donate” links! Thanks to all our donors this week!