Friday, April 16, 2021: Raven’s Report Card; Crazy Funeral Moments; Mommy Margarita Friday
Apr 16, 2021, 01:47 PM
What do you consider to be “on time”? Raven is the kind of person who shows up 15 minutes early for everything, and expects you to show up at least 5 minutes early! But it turns out that other countries have a very different idea of what qualifies as “late”. It’s a good thing Raven doesn’t live in the Middle East… (:30)
Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in to the show and gives Raven a grade on how good of a husband he was that week! Raven has been doing a lot of complaining about his wife this week. A lot of that complaining was on the air too! Find out how it affects his grade in the podcast! (4:15)
What’s craziest thing you’ve ever seen at a funeral? The world is watching Prince Harry this week to see if any drama happens at his grandfather’s funeral. But even the epic Oprah interview couldn’t match the insanity that went down between two sisters at their mother’s funeral! (8:09)
Have you ever heard of busking? That’s the technical term for being a street performer. Anna had never heard this term before, and she definitely didn’t realize how much money some street performers make! (18:03)
The Johnson and Johnson vaccine scare has raised questions with some people about the safety of the vaccines. So Anna and Raven brought in an expert, infectious disease expert Dr. Rajeev Fernando, who has some insight into the controversy. (21:54)
Living next to the highway can be noisy, but if you call the town and demand that they do THIS to make it more quiet, that’s all I need to know about you! (25:25)
What did you do this week to earn your Margarita? Every Friday, Anna gets together with her two friends for happy hour, and talks about all the ways her kids drove her crazy this week! One caller had to stay up all night because of something that happened with her son and after everything she went through, she definitely deserves a margarita! (28:07)
Couples Court: Dominque and Mark bought a new house and Dominque wants to borrow from their 401K to buy new furniture and to fix some things. Because of Covid, you don’t have to pay a tax penalty, so she thinks it’s the perfect time. He says that money is just for retirement, and they shouldn’t touch it. What if there's an emergency in the future and they need it? Whose side are you on? (35:01)
Elizabeth thinks she’s got what it takes to win $2900! Can she beat Raven in pop culture trivia, or will the jackpot go all the way up to 3K? (43:17)