John Hawken: Often our fuck-ups can be our greatest learning opportunities

Episode 49,   Apr 29, 2021, 01:00 AM

What's a fuckup for John? What was his relationship with his mother? What is the basis of experimental theater?  Can we all answer the question about what is our life task, maybe by learning from our fuckups How important in life is coincidence? How did John get to Prague? What is tantra about? {Tip, it is not about a massage with a happy ending?

Co je pro Johna fuckup? Jaký měl vztah se svou matkou? Co je základ experimentálního divadla? Je to opravdu pravé divadlo? Dokážeme odpovědět na otázku, kým chceme být? Dá se žít pouze na náhodě? Jak se John dostal do Prahy? O čem je tantra? Jde pouze o masáž s happy endem?

John Hawken is a psychotherapist, teacher of tantra and shamanism, who began his spiritual journey with a study stay with the excellent Polish theater director Jerzy Grotowski in his experimental Theater Laboratory. He was trained in Gestalt therapy and bioenergetics and worked as a psychotherapist for 12 years. He trained in tantra and shamanism, and founded the Paths of Transformation which weaves together the energy teachings of bioenergetics, shamanism, tantra and dark eros shadow work. His book Realisations was translated into Czech this year.

John Hawken je psychoterapeut, učitel tantry a šamanismu, který svou duchovní cestu zahájil studijním pobytem u vynikajícího polského divadelního režiséra Jerzy Grotowskeho v jeho experimentální Divadelní laboratoři. Prošel výcvikem v Gestalt terapii a bioenergetice a po dobu 12ti let působil jako psychoterapeut.