Connect Voices Round-Up 28 April 2021

Season 1, Episode 751,   Apr 28, 2021, 09:00 AM

Clare Aldworth, RNIB's National Involvement Coordinator shares the latest opportunities for blind and partially sighted people to get involved in.

Opportunities highlighted included:
A reminder about a call out from the BBC News Team for visually impaired people to share their Covid experiences for BBC News output on radio, TV and online, an opportunity to give feedback and help Legal and General with accessibility of their financial services, and finally the deadline has been extended for the survey focusing on the experiences of blind and partially sighted women.
To find out more about these items and how you can get involved with RNIB Connect Voices do visit -

(Image shows RNIB logo. 'RNIB' written in black capital letters over a white background and underlined with a bold pink line, with the words 'See differently' underneath)