". . . more assertive Turkish claims, a more aggressive stance . . ." @BlaiseMisztal & @JINSA; Malcolm Hoenlein @Conf_of_pres @mhoenlein1

Apr 30, 2021, 02:09 AM

Photo: Ottoman troops with flag.  Ottoman Infantry Religious flag (Fedais Volunteers) during the Balkan Wars
The New John Batchelor Show
CBS Audio Network

 ". . . more assertive Turkish claims, a more aggressive stance . . ."  @BlaiseMisztal & @JINSA; Malcolm Hoenlein @Conf_of_pres @mhoenlein1

Blaise Misztal is the Vice President for Policy at JINSA. His research interests include Iran and its nuclear program, U.S.-Turkey relations, countering extremism, and strategic competition.
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