Monday, May 3: Jack Sonni Of Dire Straits; The New York Woman Selling Her Wedding; A Regretful Tattoo

May 03, 2021, 03:36 PM

Erica Biagetti was on for School Nutrition Recognition Week, and Chaz and AJ organized a little quiz to see how Ashley handled some basic nutrition. (0:00)
Jack Sonni was on again this morning, with more stories from his career in music. From meeting Madonna for the first time, to his date with her before her stardom, and the wild three days he had with Robin Williams, club-hopping as he perfected his material. (14:50)
Mackenzie Newcomb went viral recently for offering to sell her wedding in New York. Chaz and AJ had her on this morning to talk about the options that are included with the date, and the interested offers that she's already received. (37:03)
Dumb Ass News - A radio guy in St. Louis decided to get a tattoo for the station he's employed by, only to find out that he was no longer employed by that station. (50:34)

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