BLM One Year On, Toxic Masculinity, Healing and Honouring Women | Daniel Edmund

Season 2, Episode 3,   May 27, 2021, 07:30 AM


In this episode I talk to fellow TED talk and podcaster Daniel Edmund, a dynamic speaker, presenter and social entrepreneur committed to leading this generation to a more inclusive and equitable world for all people.

I offer a content warning as we explore themes of suicide and drug use. Racist and homophobic language are also used to depict some of Daniel's lived experience.

You can pre-order my debut book, The Good Ally, via your favourite bookseller or online now:

You can pre-order my debut book, The Good Ally, via your favourite bookseller or online now:

One year on from the murder of George Floyd which sparked global Black Lives Matter Protests we explore what has changed and what has stayed the same.

In this episode I have the pleasure of talking to fellow TED talk and podcaster Daniel Edmund, a dynamic speaker, presenter and social entrepreneur committed to leading this generation to a more inclusive and equitable world for all people.

I offer a content warning as we explore themes of suicide and drug use. Racist and homophobic language are also used to depict some of Daniel's lived experience.

We discuss everything from mental health, gender expression, racism in liberal friendships and toxic masculinity. We also explore our shared commitment to collective healing through anti-racism work. Daniel also led powerful protests in Bristol during the Black Lives Matter resurgence following the murder of George Floyd in summer 2020 and we talk about what that period of time was like for him, what has changed and what has stayed the same.  

It's a deeply raw, honest and moving episode and I encourage those of you engaging in anti racism work to sit with any discomfort our conversation brings up. 
To find out more about Daniel and his work and his podcast "Gender Unfiltered' you can follow him on instagram danieledmund and visit his site 
Links to the Black women and women of colour who have supported Daniel with collective healing including but not limited to: 
Maya Kalaria- 
Rachel Edmund - 
Jennifer McGeever -

In memory of George Floyd please visit:

If you are ready to do the inner work and learn to be actively anti racist please visit my website for further details about joining other change-makers on my online course: Becoming Anti-Racist with Nova Reid 

Don't forget if you learn something and these add value you can join my podcast community over on Patreon to support this work.

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