May the Force be with Boobs

May 10, 2021, 05:57 PM

I'll be back next week with a new episode of RealiTV, but here's a link to subscribe to We Love to Hate Everything on your favorite podcast app or Apple Podcast here:

Everybody needs a bosom for a pillow, but we can't agree on which size or variety is best. Naturally, we're talking about the latest episode of 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After where Michael argues Angela's medically-massaged boobs are a sacred status symbol & shouldn't be tampered with. Per usual, we get a little sidetracked by Seeking Sister Wife & the Snowdens before launching into Amanda's future in a galaxy far far away. She's on a journey to the "Rogue Order", which neither of us truly wants to know anything about.

Finally, between our 2 Masters Degrees, we find ourselves mixing up Sister Wives Tony with Piece of Actual Feces Josh Duggar. You can imagine the shocking update Amanda experienced as I shared the latest on the disgusting Duggar Family. Please SUBSCRIBE and leave a 5-Star Review if you love the show!

COMING UP on Marriage Bootcamp S8 & Seeking Sister Wife (Tiers 2+)

COMING UP on Seinfeld S8E8 Chicken Roasters (Tiers 1&2) & Big Ed's 90 Day Journey (Tier 2)