Episode 10 with Luciana and Rebecca

Episode 10,   May 11, 2021, 04:00 AM

Reflections of lockdown; on Close Quarters this week Luciana and Rebecca take a moment to consider the last ten weeks of CQ podcasts and some of the wonderful guests that have featured. We examine the disproportionate impact that the pandemic has had on women, female leadership, politics and how we can preserve some of the positive impacts that lockdown has had on climate change.

Wish Luciana and Rebecca a Happy 40th Birthday! on insta @lucianaberger @RSi_themumcampaigner
Keep up the couch to 5k action https://tinyurl.com/ub6wckx5
Subscribe to Time Magazine https://time.com/ and read Climate is Everything (together with a whole raft of other things)
In on a Saturday night? Watch (re-watch) A Star is Born on Amazon Prime https://www.amazon.co.uk/Star-Born-Bradley-Cooper/dp/B07Q47R8P4and listen to the soundtrack again and again on any music streaming service. Don't miss the Oscar performance: https://tinyurl.com/2xu3ecjb
Or get involved with Back to the Future (why wouldn’t you?) on Netflix.com
Treat yourself to a really good bottle of whisky www.thewhiskyexchange.com – top tip being a Belvenie 14 Caribbean Cask
Visit The Eden Project https://www.edenproject.com/ if you’re heading to Cornwall