Fandoms: Living in FANtasy (feat. Book It!)

Season 6, Episode 15,   May 11, 2021, 12:51 PM

Surprise! Jumping in this week with a special *bonus* episode with our friends Michael and Jill of Book It! podcast. We were so excited to sit down with them and discuss fandoms. And we started at the very beginning— what even qualifies something as a fandom? We focus heavily on literary fan bases, as we discuss fandoms we feel a part of and what feels exciting and embarrassing about them. Do fandoms make book series more or less enjoyable? And what about these gatekeepers— the folks who seem to have created the rules of requirement for being a fan? We’ll also spend some time talking about what happens in fandoms and to ourselves as fans, when we confront the misalignment of an author’s values and our own. You may now turn the page...