Calling all Mammas- Meet Techie Mamma

Season 3, Episode 15,   May 15, 2021, 10:00 PM

Resilient Love Hosts speak with Mrs. Cousett known as Techie Mamma. She is the mom of 2 boys and loves all things tech-related. Through her passionate tech instruction, Cousett teaches DIY  Mompreneurs how to maximize technology, so they can scale their business, live the lifestyle they want, and contribute something unique with fantastic technology. 

The Tribe Membership helps DIY Mompreneurs learn all the technology and strategies needed to succeed. 

The Techie Mamma Facebook group and blog DIY Mompreneur Life focuses on all aspects of being a Mompreneur and maximizing productivity from home life to raising kids and beyond. 

This is a great chat for all those moms out there who need a Tech MOM to call on. We have the answer.

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